Monday, June 27, 2011

Fine Art vs. Craft

  1. In the video Through the Eyes of a Sculptor, I learned the process of creating a marble sculpture. First, you create the sculpture in clay, you know when not to sculpt anymore when you can’t make it any better. Then from the clay form you make a mold, which you use to make a plaster sculpture. Artists go to different quarries to find the perfect piece of marble. Then the process begins to sculpt the marble. Artgianos (craftmen) sculpt the marble until it is ready for the artist to do the fine details. It could take 8 men to carve one piece because each one of them has a specialty. In the video Glass and Ceramics, sand makes up glass is the most abundant substance on earth. I knew about the techniques because I have taken classes in glass. I have used a torch to make beads, painted on it, etched it, and I do stained glass. It was interesting how the made multiples of things by dry pressing powder to get plates. Ceramic is stronger than steel and withstand very high temperatures. Society uses it in hip replacements, kitchen utensils, and mufflers. Glass is used in architecture because of its thermal, aesthetic, and acoustic properties. In the video Installation Art, became popular in the 1960s. Artist created these works so the audience could interact with piece, too. Installation art also created new jobs of art movers and installers.
  2. The videos showed more of the process of creating sculpture, glass object, and ceramics, and installation art. The book touched on the story behind the artworks that were shown in the book. I enjoyed seeing the process and what is done to get that final piece.
  3. The installation art I enjoyed to hear how Richard Wilson thoughts on his piece 20:50. He stated that you ignore the thought of the oil and it’s thickness and gooeyness. You are more focused on the reflection that is in it. Some people may say that the final piece in marble wasn’t done by Emmanuel Fillion He created the initial figure in clay and had the final touches on the marble, I still say it is his work. I enjoy working in glass and I have made my own patterns to follow, also. I still believe glass and ceramics are fine art not just a craft.

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