Thursday, June 23, 2011

Logo of Self

I really enjoyed this project. I’m a graphic designer and wanted to create a logo for myself. I’m not sure if this is the right one for that purpose but I do believe it represents me. I wrote down my likes and my characteristics and how am I going to represent that. I have researched this Greek goddess named Athena and I believe she represents quite a bit of myself. She is known to have dual nature. One side is goddess of storms, courage, strength, battle, war, chivalry, and victory. The other side is goddess of peace, beauty, wisdom, creativity, education, science, and the arts. I believe everyone has two sides of him or her. The owl represents her but also the cock and snake also. I used this website for the information I also used this website to see what each colors represent. My favorite color is purple so when it is associated with wisdom, independence, and creativity I definitely wanted to use it. The orange and the yellow represented parts of me, too. I like vibrant colors and I think the color combination does represent autumn, which is my favorite season. Those things I like truly do represent me. With creating this logo, I’m aware of myself better. From the powerpoint presentation I learned new methods of creative thinking. I never heard of mind mapping and morphological synthesis so I researched both and it was interesting. Mind mapping reminded me of a family tree. Morphological synthesis reminds me of what I do when I have a certain kind of food but what can I do to it to make it different. The video Graphic Design: What’s in a Logo?  is precisely what happens when you deal with clients. The other video Bottled Up: Repackaging the Brand was interesting to watch. I’ve never had to deal with repackaging a product. To watch the testing of the bottles several times was interesting to see the process and what the company wanted from bottle. The brand was 103 years old and did not want the consumer thinking they were buying a new product. It was the same product, new delivery.

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